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An Excellent Way to Build Your Skills as a Mental Health Helper

Starting at the end of January (2024), The Renewing of the Mind program for 2024 launches again. This excellent free set of courses is a joint initiative by the Interdenominational Health Ministry Coalition (IHMC), the Children's Institute (Rochester, NY), Common Ground Health, and University of Rochester Medicine. This course helps leaders and members of our faith communities to address mental health needs of all ages, with a particular focus on communities of color. Classes cover a wide range of topics, including depression, substance abuse, domestic violence, and more.

Each workshop runs from 9a to noon and sessions are once per month, ending with graduation, participant presentations and a keynote address at the closing ceremony in August. The first few workshops are fully virtual. Later workshops will be hybrid as necessary. Participants are asked to commit to attending for the full year. Use the button below to go to the ROM website for full information and to register.

This would be an excellent way to be a part of our region priority on mental health. If several people from our region participate, there would be excellent opportunity to debrief together. Post a message in our Mental Health Collaborative Group if you plan to attend! (For safety and security reasons, you will need to become a member of the website to join the discussion group. Your account is secure and confidential.)

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​We acknowledge with respect the various native peoples on whose ancestral lands we worship. We encourage every member of our community to learn about the original inhabitants of this land. We are committed to cultivating meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities in our region and supporting their efforts to fight systemic racism that continues to harm them. We pledge to listen to and honor them as they speak about their experiences regarding oppression and cultural genocide. They are the authorities on their own history and our role in that history. To acknowledge this land is to recognize and respect that the air, water, land, and all that inhabits them are intertwined with the spirituality of these people. 



1230 Long Pond Rd, Rochester, NY 14626




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