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Cooperating Churches Annual Report for ABCUSA

Instructions for completing the ABCUSA Cooperating Churches Annual Report that is part of our covenant together as a region family


Why does your church need to fill out the ABCUSA Cooperating Churches Annual Report?


It's important for several reasons!


  1.  It provides us with the most current information about your pastoral staff and church leadership. 

  2.  It provides information that helps our denomination better understand changes, patterns, and transitions in our demographics. These help us resource our congregations more effectively.

  3.  The financial information helps us help you when we're asked questions  by trustees or church search committees like "What's the average pastor's salary in the region?" 


Use this button to download a document provided by ABCUSA that outlines all the many ways this information is used!




It's simple to do it online!


Every church in our region has received an email from the region office that gives you access to your church account in the denominational database (a Netsuite platform). If you need to have the office send you that email again, please contact our Region Administrator, Tarra, to ask her to send it again. 


Use this button to download a PDF of step-by-step instructions for how to access the account and complete the annual report online.




You may find it easier to compile the data in advance. You may download a sample report form for reference using this button below. Although the form is no longer in use, the information it collects has not changed.



Please remember to notify the region office when you have submitted your ABCUSA Cooperating Churches Annual Report. 

For Visual Learners

Watch this step-by-step video prepared by ABCUSA to help you navigate completing the annual report online.

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