(Or, "It's Church Anniversary Season Part 2").
Aenon Missionary Baptist Church celebrated it's 100th anniversary with a series of events this fall. I was able to attend the Sunday morning worship celebration on Sunday, November 12th. Worship was phenomenal and I was so caught up I only remembered to grab my phone for pictures twice. This is a terrible representation of an incredible celebration. (You can see it was nearly SRO and I was way in the back--and I'd even gotten there several minutes early for worship!)
Happy 100th Anniversary, Aenon, and here's to at least another century of vibrant mission and ministry!
If you visit our website and hold your cursor over "Who We Are," then select Region Churches in the drop-down menu, you'll see all of our churches listed. Just click on the arrow button at the bottom of each listing to see more information about the church. For Aenon, we had posted some links to their 100th anniversary information on their website. For ease of your viewing, however, I'm reposting here the video they put together to celebrate--it's excellent work and I highly recommend watching it!