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Child Safety

A Guide for Responding to Congregational Sexual Harassment and Abuse

This guide produced by the Mennonite Central Committee Canada, Eastern Canada, and Manitoba is an excellent resource to use in determining your congregational policies and practices around responding to sexual harassment and abuse in the congregation. Most policies address situations between a person in authority and a vulnerable person (clergy-congregant; volunteer-child), but this guide also addresses circumstances in which one member is harassing/abusing another member. "This resources is informed by the principles of survivor-centered care," it states in the introduction. Although resource suggestions and some items are specific to the Mennonite Church of Canada, the majority of the resource is easily adapted to an American Baptist congregation.

Sample Child Protection Policy for a Congregation

Use this example of a child protection policy from SafeChurch as your church crafts its own.

Workshop on Child Abuse Prevention

American Baptist Home Mission Societies offers this workshop outline for training in child abuse prevention in local congregations.

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