Rev. Heidi Fuller
The Rev. Heidi Fuller graduated from Yale Divinity School in 1976 and was ordained in June, 1976, as an American Baptist pastor. She served as an associate pastor at the United Church in Canandaigua, NY, and then as pastor of the United Church of Marion in 1981, where she served until her death on July 17, 1996.
During her ministry, Rev. Fuller wrote adult Christian education curriculum for American Baptist Churches USA, served as a mentor of the New Pastor's Institute in ABC New York State, and was a popular preacher and speaker for theological conferences and women in ministry across the country.
"Heidi believed the local church requires healthy, educated, strong and vibrant leaders," her husband Stuart J. Mitchell said at the establishment of the fund. "She was an untiring advocate for excellent leaders who share their love for God and their church with others."*
On June 19, 1996, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of Rev. Fuller's ordination, a letter was circulated to friends and family announcing the establishment of the Heidi Lynn Fuller Ministry Support Fund (The Heidi Fuller Fund) and raising about $25,000 in that first few months. The purpose of the fund was determined to “encourage leadership development for women and men, lay or ordained to grow in church-connected ministry.”
Today the fund receives regular contributions by friends and family of Rev. Fuller as well as many others who did not know her personally but share her vision for strong, healthy leaders in the church.
To contribute to the Heidi Fuller Fund, visit www.abcrgr.org/give and select "Heidi Fuller Fund from the drop-down menu.
*Wolf, Doris, "Rev. Heidi Fuller dies at age 45." Democrat and Chronicle, July 20, 1996, page 7.

Margaret Curtis
Margaret Curtis was a beloved member of the United Church of Marion and served as secretary to the Rev. Heidi Fuller during Rev. Fuller's pastorate. When Mrs. Curtis passed away, she bequeathed $80,000 to the Heidi Fuller Fund. At that time, the Heidi Fuller Fund steering committee decided to establish a Curtis Grant specifically for lay ministry development in Mrs. Curtis' honor.